Help page with details for HiText / Fast Papers

Step ( 1 ) File (Optional)

  • This step was added to make it easier to get the initial text for Step 2.

Note: This step is optional. You can always paste the text you want directly in Step 2.

Video Demo - Step 1 Upload a file

  • When a new file is submitted:
    • The previous file is deleted.
    • Previous text is deleted.
    • When the conversion is complete, the text will appear automatically in Step 2.

Document type files

  • Documents with punctuation and paragraphs, closer to the desired final format, are preferred.
    • Supported document types: "txt", "srt", "docx".
    • Note that the file extension should match the internal document type. "Word_Document.docx" should not be named "Word_Document.txt" if the binary format is "docx".
    • The conversion of the document to plain text is done automatically, if the document is in an accepted standard format.

Audio type files

  • Audio files are also supported. They will be transcribed in text format.
    • Transcription quality depends on several factors.
    • The most important aspects for a correct transcription are: clear diction and pause between words and sentences.
    • Alternatively, you can directly use the text taken from your preferred transcription service in Step 2.
  • Please contact us if you want to enable transcription of audio files.
  • Audio to text conversion was implemented for the first time for the Romanian language and will be activated soon.

Conversion options

The options are described here.

Step ( 2 ) Text

  • This is the main step.
  • Choose the main text.
    • You can Paste your text,
    • OR You can use the converted text file from Step 1.
    • You can also edit the text.
  • Choose keywords to delimit sections(chapters) of text.
    • Use one line at a time for a section heading.
    • You can keep additional keyword rows. Rules that do not match the current text are ignored, but will be applied to the next document.
  • Submit the form.
    • The chosen text is analyzed and prepared for Step 3.

Video Demo - Step 2 text and rules

  • When a new text is submitted:
    • The previous text is overwritten.

Conversion options

The options are described here.

Step ( 3 ) Use

  • Action 1 - Select the desired text:
    • Click on the left side to select larger groups such as sections.
    • Click inside to select smaller items such as sentences.
    • Once a selection has been made, it is copied to the clipboard.
  • Action 2 - Use the selection in your application:
    • Paste the selection into a text field in your application.
    • OR Drag the section over a text field in your application, if your application supports drag and drop with text.

Video Demo - Step 3 use

  • You can always go back to step 2, adjust the text or rules, then advance to this step again.

Conversion options

The [Choose options] button can be used to easily choose the appropriate options for each step.

Video Demo - Choose Options

  • Only the options set will influence the default algorithm for that step.

Expand each item that interests you.

  • The conversion from file to text is done in several stages of transformation.
    • The first stage is fixed, and is responsible for extracting the text (in the case of a document) or sending the file (in the case of audio files) and waiting for the text.
    • The following stages analyze chunks of data and combine them, depending on the conversion options, to get the text for Step 2.
    • Basically, the text is adjusted to a format that is easier to process in steps 2 and 3.
    • For example: detect paragraphs and chapters, combine and/or split sentences.
    • The options were added to allow the user to adjust these internal stages. Thus the text obtained can be closer to the desired format.
  • The default options should be applicable for most document types. However, if you want, you can adjust them as needed.
    • If you have already sent a file, you can change these options and press the send button again.
    • In this case, the first step is not used because the raw data is already available. The options are applied from the second stage onwards.
  • To remember:
    • If you only change the options, there is no need to upload the same file again. Just hit the submit button.
    • If you upload the file again, the process will start from the beginning. It will take longer, especially for audio files.
  • The conversion from text to sections is done in several stages of transformation.
    • In the first stage, the text is formatted. Dashed options are applied.
    • In the second stage, the text is divided into sections. Keyword rows are used.
  • Options start with 2 dashes.
  • The syntax is: --option-name=value
  • Possible values:
    • 1 means: yes, apply this transformation.
    • 0 means: no, ignore this transformation.
    • Positive number: for some options the numerical value is relevant. For example: --wrap_line_at_col=160 will split lines longer than 160 characters.
  • Multiple options are separated by space or newline.

Options meaning and default values:

  • -- The default options are used. No other option should be present.
  • --no_txt_fmt=0 Skip most of the text formatting steps.
  • --one_empty_line=1 Keep a single blank line between paragraphs.
  • --one_space=0 Keep a single space between words.
  • --del_empty_line=0 Delete the empty lines.
  • --del_nr=1 Delete lines with numbers only. Useful for "srt" files.
  • --del_time=1 Delete lines with timestamp only. Useful for "srt" files.
  • --del_title=0 Delete the first line of text, considered to be the title of the document.
  • --adj_bullets=1 Adjust text markers to have space after them.
  • --join_line_to_point=0 Join lines up to the dot character.
  • --split_line_at_point=1 Split lines at the dot character.
  • --wrap_line_at_col=160 Split the line in this column, if it is longer.

Options meaning and default values:

  • --del_bullets_gap=0 Delete the empty lines that separate the lines with bullets.
  • --line_trim_left=0 Delete spaces from the beginning of the line.
  • --header_big_chars=0 Lines with all uppercase characters are considered headers.
  • --header_new_block_no_point=0 Lines without a period, at the beginning of a new block of text, are considered headers.

Your customer data

  • The main goal is for you to spend less time to transfer the text to your papers-recording application.
  • In the same time, protecting your data is another goal important to us.
  • Your files are kept on the server only as long as they are useful for the next steps.
    • When you upload another file, the previous file is deleted. It is no longer useful for the following step.
    • When you paste new text, the previous text is overwritten.
    • It may sometimes be necessary to go back from Step 3 to Step 2, add/modify rules for sections and regenerate the page for Step 3. For this functionality, the text must be preserved until you start again with another file or text.
    • For audio files: after transcription, the deletion request is sent for the corresponding input and output files.
  • In addition, there is the "Reset Data" button, which will delete your current files and current text.
    • This is useful at the end of the session.
  • Data is transmitted via secure connections (https).
    • If you cannot access our site through https with a valid certificate, please use an updated version of your browser or try again later.
    • Which web browser and browser plug-ins you use and how these handle the transmitted data falls under your responsibility.
  • Your configuration includes options and rules set by you.
    • This is not considered sensitive data.
    • The configuration is preserved between sessions, so you can reuse it on subsequent files.

Development and improvements

  • This service-type application improves over time.
    • Your suggestions for additional functionality are being considered.
    • Reporting bugs means more attention to their elimination.
    • Feedback is important to understand what you want more of and your particular use case.
    • At the same time, we aim to keep the functionality as simple and useful as possible for all users.
  • Feel free to email us with ideas for improvement, bugs you've noticed, or questions you have about this product.
